After Laser Hair Removal Treatment – 5 Things to Know

Laser hair removal treatment works the best on patients with darker hair on lighter skin. Which means the result is going to vary with skin profile, including skin tone, thickness, location and so on. After the first laser session, some patients may experience skin color change – either darkening or lightening. This is totally normal, so do not panic.

Here are the 5 most important things to know after laser treatment.

Hair grows back after laser hair removal treatment

Many patients reported that their hairs don't drop out quickly. This is normal because hair cycles as it growth. So you will shed them over a few days to weeks. This might look like laser is not removing your hair, but that is not true. In order to permanently reduce hair growth, patients need to take multiple laser sessions. This is important because laser treatment works best with hair follicles in the growing stage.

Results are unsatisfactory and unpredictable

Laser hair removal treatment usually does not remove hair forever. Only electrolysis, which inserts a needle into hair follicle and burns it out, is FDA-approved for permanent hair removal. A lot of patients reported that their hairs kept growing after laser treatment. This in fact may keep going for quite a long time. However, even though laser hair removal doesn't guarantee permanent hair removal, the regrown hair is going to be thinner and lighter in color.

Multiple laser sessions may be required

One single laser session is unlikely to reduce hair growth permanently. This is completely normal because the results vary with skin types. Patients whose skin is lighter generally respond better than those with darker skin. The laser reduces hair growth by damaging the dark pigment molecules inside hair follicles under the skin. On lighter skin, the laser is able to target on melanin more accurately, so that the result is more satisfactory.

Continue reading: Laser Hair Removal at Home - The Ultimate Guide

Redness and swelling is normal

You may see redness and swelling after your first laser session. This is actually a good sign, because it means that your hair follicles are responding to the laser. Redness and swelling is a normal reaction from your immune system. To ease the discomfort, you can put an ice bag on the treated area. The symptoms usually disappear within a day or two. However, if the skin near the treated area start to blister, you need to see a dermatologist as soon as possible. Prescribed medicine may be needed for recovery.

Use sunscreen on treated area

After the first laser session, patients should stay away from sunlight exposure for as long as possible. Without enough melanin to absorb harmful ultraviolet ray in sunlight, patients become extremely vulnerable to sunburn. To prevent skin damage, patients should apply broad-spectrum sunscreens with SPF 30 or higher on treated area during the entire laser treatment.

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